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B Surface-Driven Toolpaths: 2 sided Machining

This series of videos shows how to set-up a file in Rhino for export to MasterCAM, roughing and finishing operations, and “flipping” the part in MasterCAM to cut the second side.

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B A review of Rhino’s interface and Geometry Types

If you need a refresher, here is a review of the Rhino interface.

And here is a review of the various kinds of geometry you can work with in Rhino.

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B More information on the “PictureFrame” command

If you’ve seen Part 1 of the Drinking Glasses Demo videos, then you’ve gotten a taste of what the PictureFrame command can do. This is a great tool and I use it all of the time if I need to bring in an image to use as an underlay for tracing, modeling, reverse engineering, etc, etc. Here is a more in-depth look at how it works.

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B Drinking Glass Demo Part 2: Volume Analysis

Part 2: How to measure the volume of your glass.

Commands used in this video:

  • box
  • booleansplit
  • volume
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B Drinking Glass Demo Part 1: Drawing and Revolving

Part 1: A review of the drawing and modeling techniques required to complete the drinking glass assignment.

Commands used in this video:

  • Pictureframe
  • Curve (control point curve)
  • fillet
  • BlendCRV
  • Scale1D
  • join
  • explode
  • revolve (full circle)
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B How to use the trim, split, join, explode, and cap commands

An introduction to several useful editing commands in Rhino.

The commands covered in this video are:
Fillet (with radius set to a value of 0)

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