Week 2 Assignment: Beginner

Part 1: Revise and refine your work from the glasses project as necessary

Part 2: Working from the brief for the Chair Study project, create the following:

Rhino File

  • Build a model of the chair.
  • Begin by drawing 3D curves that faithfully capture the proportions and scale of the chairs.
  • Most of the bentwood components should be built with the pipe tool, with the majority of remaining surfaces built as extrusions or surfaces from planar curves (“planarsrf” command).
  • Use nesting layers to place each part of the chair on a separate layer
  • Build your model with a considered, deliberate relationship with the origin
  • Keep all important curves on layers to facilitate organization and management


  • Using Keyshot, create a single rendering of the chair composed and arranged into a photographic scene in order to create an interesting image.
  • Save your rendering in JPG format.

Create a folder in the shared Google Drive’s Chair Study folder with your name and place your rendering in this folder


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